- Home
- Who we are
- What we do
- Our mission and principles
- Our references
- The Caribbeans
- Fostering Green Transition in Petén - Technical Assistance to the EUD
- Support Action for the Forestry Sector
- Technical Assistance for training of micro and small enterprises in Trinidad and Tobago in international standards
- Phasing out the PASAH programme
- Final Evaluation of the FORCUENCAS project
- Technical Assistance to the work group on food security and nutrition
- Supervision and control of reconstruction works of roads infrastructure in various places of the Dominican Republic
- Implementation of awareness campaigns and production of videos for the project FOMUDE (Institutional strengthening and decentralization)
- Technical assistance to the management of the second Micro realizations Programme « PMR2 »
- Technical assistance for the supervision of the Municipal market and customs infrastructure in Dajabon, city at the border between Haiti and Dominican republic
- Mid term evaluation of the Programme for prevention and preparedness to disasters
- Short term mission for the production of a documentary that presents the project of the future market of Dajabón.
- Final evaluation of the STABEX and SFA Programmes
- Final Evaluation of Probanano Programme
- Second call for proposals - EU-ACP Water initiative
- Final Evaluation - "Los Toros" hydropower project
- Formulation of a cooperation programme for the improvement of the water sector
- Study on the participation of the private sector to the Drinking Water Sector Reform
- South America
- Final evaluation of the AIESRP Project
- Final Evaluation of the Economic and Social Cohesion project for the Andean Community ( CESCAN II)
- Contract services for the preparation and dissemination of studies in the framework of the Colombian Penal System Institutional support programme
- Final Evaluation of URB-AL III Programme
- Final evaluation of the URB-AL III Programme
- Final evaluation of the Euro-Solar Programme
- Implementation of a communication strategy to disseminate the victim's rights to protection and reparation and the existing legal instruments against the phenomenon of enforced disappearance.
- Mid Term Evaluation of the Economic and Social Cohesion project for the Andean Community ( CESCAN II)
- Service contract for the implementation of awareness raising and broadcasting activities
- Support to the evaluation of Calls for Proposals under the "Non State Actors and Local Authorities" thematic programme
- Technical Assistance for the support to the management unit of social actions and habitat grants
- Support to the Formulation of the Project «Support to the Unit for the Study of Biodiversity in Venezuela (BiodiVen)»
- Final Evaluation of the Programme « Social and production infrastructure for Loja and Zamora provinces (PROLOZA) »
- Construction supervision of sewerage works
- Medium term evaluation mission of the Programme « Support to the sustainable economical development in the poor mining zones of the Western regions of Bolivia - APEMIN II »
- Technical Assistance for the supervision of disasters prevention works in Vargas State.
- Technical Assistance for the supervision of drainage works in Vargas State
- POG and POA Formulation - EU - Mercosur SPS Project
- Technical Assistance for the supervision of disasters prevention works in Vargas State.
- Mid Term Evaluation - Santa Cruz Water and Wastewater project
- Mid Term Evaluation - Santa Cruz Water and Wastewater project
- Integral Development of water and sanitation sector
- Integrated Development of the Paute Valley
- Improvement of the environmental conditions and integral development of the West zone of Montevideo
- Europa
- Support to the Government of the Republic of Latvia on issues related to EU and international Development Policy
- Technical Assistance to the Environment Ministry for follow-up and prioritization of ISPA funding demands
- Technical Assistance for infrastructures rehabilitation in the environmental sector - Emergency rehabilitation Programme
- Assessment of Ten Water Projects
- Technical Assistance for the assessment of six ISPA Environment tenders
- Technical Assistance for Analysing and Monitoring Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Operations
- Africa
- EU Support to Circular Economy, Climate Smart Agriculture and Climate Resilience - Nigeria
- Carrying Capacity Study and Tourism Destinations Planning on Coastal Areas of Tanzania
- Technical Assistance to the VPO for the coordinationof the Blue Economy activities, policy formulation, and facilitation of the implementation of budget support component of the EU Blue Economy Programme
- Formulation mission - Ocean Governance, sustainable Blue Economy, coastal management and marine conservation and restoration in the Western Indian Ocean.
- Final Evaluation of the Climate Change Mitigation Support Program (PALCC)
- Consultancy Services for the Review and Update of the 2009 Sustainable and Integrated Development Plan for Rodrigues (SIDPR)
- Mid-term evaluation of the REFILA project in Guinea
- Evaluation to increase incomes and reduce food insecurity through support to economic growth.
- Mid-Term Evaluation of the Boosting Agriculture and Food Security Project (BAFS) in Sierra Leone
- Mid-term review of KCEP-CRAL (FED/2013/329-234) and End-term review of IPP-GAP(FED/2014/344-651)
- Identification and formulation of EU Actions to support Agriculture and Rural Development in Sierra Leone under the second phase of the 11th EDF (2018 - 2020)
- Technical assistance of transversal support to the start of the activities of the Food and Nutrition Security Support Program (SAN)
- Final evaluation of the Program of Improvement of Agricultural Productivity in Cameroon-PAPA
- Technical Assistance to the NAO's Support Programme (PAON III)
- Identification and formulation of actions to be implemented under the EU Trust Fund for the management of cross-borders areas in the Sahel and Lake Chad bassin
- Technical Assistance in the Mid-Term Review of the Strategic Plan for Agricultural Transformation in Rwanda (PSTA III)
- Technical audit of periodic maintenance works for paved roads of the 10th EDF Road Program and associated monitoring and control service contracts
- Programme Evaluation on the past and on-going EU interventions in Zimbabwe implemented by FAO.
- Recruitment of external assessors for the EIDHR CBSS Call 2015
- Control and periodic technical audit of the construction of the road Goma-Coura-Timbuktu
- Technical audit of the rural water supply system component of the SYSMIN project
- Support to the formulation of food security thematic programme in the Republic of Guinea
- Technical Assistance for Food Facility projects in Burkina Faso
- Mid-term review of the Sustainable Rural Development in the Eastern Cape (SURUDEC)
- Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Health - Infrastructures Department
- Support to the identification and formulation of a "Programme for opening-up isolated populations: social road infrastructure"
- Technical Assistance to Sustainable infrastructures management project
- Mid-term evaluation of the PASILD and formulation of the future intervention in the field of natural resources management and local development
- Mid-term review of Farm Income Diversification Programme (FIDP)
- Value chain analysis of selected commodities and institutional development across the agri-food sector (IDAF)
- Technical Assistance for the organization of the Launch event of the EU-Africa Partnership on Infrastructure at the African Union Commission Headquarters (24-25 October - Addis Ababa).
- Mid-term evaluation of the regional Programme for plant protection (PRPV)
- Asia
- Integrated Regional Development of Azerbaijan - Technical assistance in the evaluation of grant applications
- Mid-Term Review of Rural Development Programme (RDP) III
- Technical Assistance for Livestock Farmer Support Project (LFSP)
- Final Evaluation of Poverty Alleviation through Local Development Programme (PALD)
- Mid term review of the Smallholder Livestock Production Programme (SLPP)
- Other
- Final Evaluation of the "Support to the Papua New Guinea National WaSH Policy 2015-2030 – Part 1 programme's"
- Evaluation Support Services
- Final evaluation of the Technical Assistance for the mainstreaming of environmental sustainability, including biodiversity, climate change and disaster risk reduction (Global)
- Evaluation of the Call For Proposals "Value chains"
- Institutional strengthening
- Support to the assessment of proposals received within the framework of two calls for proposals launched under the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR)
- Administrative support to the evaluation of the global Call for Proposals
- Support for the evaluation of the two calls for proposals « Non State Actors and Local Authorities in Development »
- Technical Assistance to EC-AIDCO for the implementation of the Help desk for the ACP-EC Energy facility.
- Technical Assistance to EC-AIDCO for the implementation of the Help Desk for the ACP-EU Water Facility.
- The Caribbeans
- Work with us
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