Our references

CYE’s team has ample experience in development aid in more than 30 countries throughout the world, in the frame of projects and programmes financed by the most important bilateral and multilateral institutions of cooperation.


Fostering Green Transition in Petén - Technical Assistance to the EUD
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Papua New Guinea
Jan 2024 - Apr 2024
The European Commission prioritizes systematic and timely evaluation of its programs to assess achievements, quality, and results, emphasizing result-oriented approaches and SDG implementation. Evaluations aim to ...
Final Evaluation of the "Support to the Papua New Guinea National WaSH Policy 2015-2030 – Part 1 programme's"
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Consultancy Services for the Review and Update of the 2009 Sustainable and Integrated Development Plan for Rodrigues (SIDPR)
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Oct 2012 - Dec 2012
The overall objective of SYSMIN’s project is to strengthen institutional capacity and contribute to poverty reduction. The objective of the contract is to perform a technical audit of works carried out under the Component of rural water supply system and represent ...
Technical audit of the rural water supply system component of the SYSMIN project
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Sep 2012 - Nov 2012
The Project's overall objective is to contribute to the conservation, recovery ...
Final Evaluation of the FORCUENCAS project
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May 2008 - Jun 2008
The overall objective of the Programme is oriented towards improving life ...
Final Evaluation of the Programme « Social and production infrastructure for Loja and Zamora provinces (PROLOZA) »
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Dominican Republic
Mar 2007 - Dec 2008
The objective of the programme is to improve the living conditions of the poor rural communities located along Haiti’s border. The PMR2 finances and executes the ...
Technical assistance to the management of the second Micro realizations Programme « PMR2 »
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Jan 2007 - Dec 2007
This project, part of the Programme aimed at rehabilitating the infrastructures damaged by catastrophic floods and mud flows in 1999, consists in the construction of sewerage ...
Construction supervision of sewerage works
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Mar 2006 - Jun 2006
The ACP-EU Facility for Water pursues two specific objectives: (1) Improved ...
Technical Assistance to EC-AIDCO for the implementation of the Help Desk for the ACP-EU Water Facility.
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Dominican Republic
Oct 2005 - Apr 2006
Technical Assistance to the National Authorizing Officer for the dissemination of the principles of the initiative and the follow-up of the proposals elaboration. The EU-ACP Water initiative ...
Second call for proposals - EU-ACP Water initiative
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Dominican Republic
Oct 2004 - Dec 2004
Final evaluation mission of a project financed by the EC (20.75 M EUR) through EDF, including an assessment on the use of the hydropower plant revenues ...
Final Evaluation - "Los Toros" hydropower project
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Aug 2004 - Oct 2004
Mid term evaluation of an EC financed project (22 M EUR) ...
Mid Term Evaluation - Santa Cruz Water and Wastewater project
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Dominican Republic
Feb 2003 - Sep 2003
Identification and formulation of a programme in the Water and Environment sector to be financed by the EC through EDF (2004-2009) with a total amount of ...
Formulation of a cooperation programme for the improvement of the water sector
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Czech Republic
Nov 2002 - Jan 2004
The rehabilitation Programme treated hydraulic infrastructures and environmental protection (small barrages, ...
Technical Assistance for infrastructures rehabilitation in the environmental sector - Emergency rehabilitation Programme
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Nov 2002 - Dec 2002
Critical review of existing feasibility studies. Assessment of the capacity of the beneficiary communities to support the planned investments applying a global affordability methodology. Preparation of ...
Assessment of Ten Water Projects
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Apr 2002
The mission concerns six environmental ISPA projects in Slovakia providing new ...
Technical Assistance for Analysing and Monitoring Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Operations
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Apr 2002 - May 2002
Revision of tender documents related to sewerage networks and WWTPs, with ...
Technical Assistance for the assessment of six ISPA Environment tenders
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Nov 2001 - Feb 2002
Programme which lasts several years (2002 – 2006) financed with European cooperation funds (45 millions EUR). The programme focuses the improvement of public water and sanitation ...
Integral Development of water and sanitation sector
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Feb 1997 - Jul 1997
A rehabilitation of drinking water networks associated to institutional reform has been implemented with IADB financing during the late nineties. A sector reform unit was put ...
Study on the participation of the private sector to the Drinking Water Sector Reform
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