Our references

CYE’s team has ample experience in development aid in more than 30 countries throughout the world, in the frame of projects and programmes financed by the most important bilateral and multilateral institutions of cooperation.


Papua New Guinea
Jan 2024 - Apr 2024
The European Commission prioritizes systematic and timely evaluation of its programs to assess achievements, quality, and results, emphasizing result-oriented approaches and SDG implementation. Evaluations aim to ...
Final Evaluation of the "Support to the Papua New Guinea National WaSH Policy 2015-2030 – Part 1 programme's"
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Apr 2023 - Aug 2023
The Climate Change Mitigation Support Program (PALCC) was launched on March ...
Final Evaluation of the Climate Change Mitigation Support Program (PALCC)
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Dec 2022 - Apr 2023
The project to revive the pineapple sector in Guinea, called REFILA and financed by the EU (5 million Euros), is part of a vast program to support ...
Mid-term evaluation of the REFILA project in Guinea
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Jan 2022 - Sep 2022
Environmental degradation and climate change are undermining progress in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. The European Green Deal is the EU’s new flagship policy ...
Final evaluation of the Technical Assistance for the mainstreaming of environmental sustainability, including biodiversity, climate change and disaster risk reduction (Global)
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Jan 2020 - Oct 2020
This evaluation covers 14 projects grouped by 5 results area. Each project has been evaluated against the 5 DAC criteria, namely: relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability and early ...
Evaluation to increase incomes and reduce food insecurity through support to economic growth.
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Sierra Leone
Nov 2019 - Feb 2020
The BAFS project (funded under the 11 th European Development Fund) constituted a sector wide approach promoting agricultural development, food security and resilience in Sierra Leone,  strengthening capacities ...
Mid-Term Evaluation of the Boosting Agriculture and Food Security Project (BAFS) in Sierra Leone
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Oct 2019 - Dec 2019
In 2013 the Government of Honduras and the European Union signed the European Support Action for the Forestry Sector (EuroFor - DCI-ALA/2012/023-510). The Action is consisted ...
Support Action for the Forestry Sector
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Sep 2019 - Jan 2020
The main priorities for the evaluation mission were highlighted in the ToR, especially linked to the specific evaluation criteria added to the usual DAC criteria. As ...
Mid-term review of KCEP-CRAL (FED/2013/329-234) and End-term review of IPP-GAP(FED/2014/344-651)
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Feb 2018 - May 2018
The AIESRP Project aimed to improve the competitiveness and national and international economic integration of Paraguay by supporting three production chains (production of pork, production of ...
Final evaluation of the AIESRP Project
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Aug 2017 - Jan 2018
The financing agreement of the Program of Improvement of Agricultural Productivity in Cameroon-PAPA (EDF / 2010 / 021-465) was signed on 16/02/2011 and its effective implementation ...
Final evaluation of the Program of Improvement of Agricultural Productivity in Cameroon-PAPA
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Feb 2017 - Feb 2023
The overall objective of this contract is to support the Evaluation Unit in ensuring substantive use of robust evaluation findings in decision-making processes. This will be achieved by enhancing the evaluation practice and learning capacity of EC staff in Headquarters and ...
Evaluation Support Services
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Jul 2016 - Feb 2017
Since 2004, the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI) in Rwanda has developed and implemented three consecutive strategic plans for agricultural transformation in Rwanda (PSTA-1, ...
Technical Assistance in the Mid-Term Review of the Strategic Plan for Agricultural Transformation in Rwanda (PSTA III)
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Evaluation of the Call For Proposals "Value chains"
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Mar 2016 - Jun 2016
The global objective of the assignment is to “Contribute to the performance management of the programme and activities of the EU in Zimbabwe”. The scope of ...
Programme Evaluation on the past and on-going EU interventions in Zimbabwe implemented by FAO.
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Jun 2015 - Jul 2015
The global objective of this Call for Proposals managed by the EU Delegation (EUD) in Kenya under the above-described CBSS, is to enhance gender equality through ...
Recruitment of external assessors for the EIDHR CBSS Call 2015
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Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru
Feb 2015 - Apr 2015
The overall project objective is to contribute to improve the economic and social cohesion in the Andean Community. The specific objective is to strengthen the CAN ...
Final Evaluation of the Economic and Social Cohesion project for the Andean Community ( CESCAN II)
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Feb 2014 - Jun 2014
The overall objective of this evaluation is to conduct a final review of the URB-AL III Program, that is, a global assessment of the relevance, efficiency, ...
Final evaluation of the URB-AL III Programme
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Feb 2014 - Jun 2014
The general objective of the project is to conduct an overall assessment of the performance of the Euro-Solar Programme, paying particularly attention to the results of the ...
Final evaluation of the Euro-Solar Programme
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Nov 2012 - Dec 2012
The overall project objective is to contribute to improve the economic and social cohesion in the Andean Community. The specific objective is to strengthen the CAN ...
Mid Term Evaluation of the Economic and Social Cohesion project for the Andean Community ( CESCAN II)
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Sep 2012 - Nov 2012
The Project's overall objective is to contribute to the conservation, recovery ...
Final Evaluation of the FORCUENCAS project
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Sep 2012 - Jan 2013
The overall objective of this call for proposals is to enhance the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms in countries and situations where they are most at risk and where human rights defenders and civil society organisations work under severe constraints ...
Support to the assessment of proposals received within the framework of two calls for proposals launched under the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR)
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Feb 2012 - Jul 2012
The overall purpose of this assignment is to contribute with administrative and eligibility assessments to the evaluation of the above-mentioned Call for Proposals so as to conclude ...
Administrative support to the evaluation of the global Call for Proposals
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Jun 2011 - Sep 2011
The Thematic Programme "Non State Actors (NSA) and Local Authorities (LA) in the Development ", aims to promote the implementation of a more equitable society, emphasizing the ...
Support to the evaluation of Calls for Proposals under the "Non State Actors and Local Authorities" thematic programme
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Apr 2011 - Jun 2011
The objective of the Rural Development Programme III is to contribute to poverty reduction and socio-economic development in particular in the poorer rural areas of Timor ...
Mid-Term Review of Rural Development Programme (RDP) III
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South Africa
Nov 2010 - Feb 2011
The overall objective of SURUDEC is to reduce poverty in rural communities in the Eastern Cape Province through the development and implementation of community development plans. ...
Mid-term review of the Sustainable Rural Development in the Eastern Cape (SURUDEC)
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May 2010 - Jul 2010
The Poverty Alleviation through Local Development Programme (PALD) programme aims at ...
Final Evaluation of Poverty Alleviation through Local Development Programme (PALD)
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Mar 2009 - Jun 2009
The general objective of the PASILD ("Programme d’Accompagnement Structurant d’Initiatives Locales ...
Mid-term evaluation of the PASILD and formulation of the future intervention in the field of natural resources management and local development
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Jul 2008 - Aug 2008
The overall objective of the SLPP is intended to contribute to the reduction of poverty and food insecurity in rural areas by increasing the rate of ...
Mid term review of the Smallholder Livestock Production Programme (SLPP)
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Dominican Republic
Jun 2008 - Jul 2008
The principal objectives of the Programme are: (i) Information: improve and implement ...
Mid term evaluation of the Programme for prevention and preparedness to disasters
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Jun 2008 - Oct 2008
FIDP’s overall objective is to achieve a sustainable improvement in the livelihoods of rural communities through diversifying farmers’ incomes. This is to be achieved by assisting ...
Mid-term review of Farm Income Diversification Programme (FIDP)
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May 2008 - Jun 2008
The overall objective of the Programme is oriented towards improving life ...
Final Evaluation of the Programme « Social and production infrastructure for Loja and Zamora provinces (PROLOZA) »
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Jan 2008 - Jul 2008
The Programme aims at supporting the initiatives proposed and/or implemented by civil society organizations and local authorities originated from the Community and from partner countries in the field of Development. The overall objective of the consultancy was to enable the European Commission ...
Support for the evaluation of the two calls for proposals « Non State Actors and Local Authorities in Development »
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Sep 2007 - Nov 2007
The objective was to analyze the concept of the Programme and the conjectural changes of the context, to valorize the progresses to date and to gather ...
Medium term evaluation mission of the Programme « Support to the sustainable economical development in the poor mining zones of the Western regions of Bolivia - APEMIN II »
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Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Jan 2007 - May 2007
STABEX is a compensatory finance scheme intended to stabilize the export earnings of the ACP States. STABEX resources mainly target the commercialization of industry and the ...
Final evaluation of the STABEX and SFA Programmes
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Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, Réunion, Seychelles
Sep 2006 - Nov 2006
Program whose objective is to promote and develop operational co-operation, both scientific and technical, between the countries of the region as regards to plant health protection. ...
Mid-term evaluation of the regional Programme for plant protection (PRPV)
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Dominican Republic
Feb 2006 - Apr 2006
PROBANANO is a programme cofinanced by the EC (EDF) with a contribution of 1.650.000 EUR. Its goal is to improve the competitiveness of the exporting banana ...
Final Evaluation of Probanano Programme
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Dominican Republic
Oct 2004 - Dec 2004
Final evaluation mission of a project financed by the EC (20.75 M EUR) through EDF, including an assessment on the use of the hydropower plant revenues ...
Final Evaluation - "Los Toros" hydropower project
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Aug 2004 - Oct 2004
Mid term evaluation of an EC financed project (22 M EUR) ...
Mid Term Evaluation - Santa Cruz Water and Wastewater project
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