Jan 2024 - Apr 2024
EC (European Commission)
Final Evaluation of the "Support to the Papua New Guinea National WaSH Policy 2015-2030 – Part 1 programme's"
The European Commission prioritizes systematic and timely evaluation of its programs to assess achievements, quality, and results, emphasizing result-oriented approaches and SDG implementation. Evaluations aim to uncover evidence of the link between EU interventions and outcomes, identifying factors driving or hindering progress and clarifying cause-and-effect relationships. The specific objectives of evaluating the "Support to the Papua New Guinea National Wash Policy 2015–2030-part 1" include providing an independent assessment of its performance, focusing on results versus expected objectives, and the reasons behind these results. It seeks to extract key lessons, conclusions, and recommendations to improve current and future actions, review the appropriateness of Wash technologies used, and present findings to stakeholders in a workshop. This evaluation will inform future EU interventions in the Wash sector, with main users including the EU Delegation to Papua New Guinea, the Government of Papua New Guinea, and UNICEF.CYE Consult, as Implementing Partner, had overall responsibility for the implementation of the contract. CYE was responsible for the provision of one Senior Expert throughout the contract, for a total of 40 working days.
Apr 2023 - Aug 2023
EC (European Commission)
Final Evaluation of the Climate Change Mitigation Support Program (PALCC)
The Climate Change Mitigation Support Program (PALCC) was launched on March 31, 2017, as part of the Global Alliance Against Climate Change (AMCC+), an initiative of the European Union. The program's total budget was €10.6 million, with 94.34% funded by the European Union (€10 million) and 5.66% by contributions from NGOs benefiting from grant contracts. PALCC's overall objective is to assist Togo in implementing a national response to climate change challenges, aligning with the UN Sustainable Development Goals for 2030, particularly addressing Goal 13 (Life on Land) and Goal 15 (Climate Action).
The specific objectives involve reducing Togo's climate vulnerability through measures for preserving forest resources, soil, and energy efficiency. Additionally, the program aims to enhance the institutional context related to climate change.
CYE Consult provided the whole experts team. The evaluation deliverables included the final report and the production of two videos and four infographics focusing on the results achieved by the PALCC as well as the difficulties encountered.
Dec 2022 - Apr 2023
EC (European Commission)
Mid-term evaluation of the REFILA project in Guinea
The project to revive the pineapple sector in Guinea, called REFILA and financed by the EU (5 million Euros), is part of a vast program to support the competitiveness of West African countries and its integration into regional and international trading systems. Its ambition is to establish the pineapple sector as one of Guinea's competitiveness levers for inclusive and sustainable economic growth through: (i) improving the performance of the sector by promoting its growth and stimulating its contribution to industry, regional trade, export, and job creation; and (ii) improving the business climate in Guinea through the integration and ownership of regional competitiveness policies. The main objectives of this mid-term evaluation have been to provide the relevant EU services, interested stakeholders and the general public with an overall independent analysis of REFILA’s performance, paying particular attention to its different levels, and comparing with the expected results.
Jan 2022 - Sep 2022
EC (European Commission)
Final evaluation of the Technical Assistance for the mainstreaming of environmental sustainability, including biodiversity, climate change and disaster risk reduction (Global)
Environmental degradation and climate change are undermining progress in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. The European Green Deal is the EU’s new flagship policy to achieve sustainable growth, the SDGs and the goals of the Paris Agreement. Mainstreaming environment and climate change in all areas of EU action is a central feature of the Green Deal. it is crucial that mainstreaming support covers all actions financed under the EU Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument and the related policy and programmatic work, as well as on-going programmes financed under the thematic and geographic financing instruments under the EU Multiannual Financing Framework (MFF) 2014-2020 (Development Cooperation Instrument, European Neighbourhood Instrument and European Development Fund). That’s why this evaluation was significantly important. It provided a better understanding of how the current facility has contributed to the above mentioned overall high ambition as well as gave suggestions for further improvements in order to design a future cooperation that successfully contributes to the new EU’s objectives and targets (in particular, to allocate at least 35 % of EU funding under the 2021-2027 MFF to climate change related action, and to double external funding for biodiversity, in particular for the most vulnerable countries.
Jan 2020 - Oct 2020
EC (European Commission)
Evaluation to increase incomes and reduce food insecurity through support to economic growth.
This evaluation covers 14 projects grouped by 5 results area. Each project has been evaluated against the 5 DAC criteria, namely: relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability and early signs of impact, and other cross cutting criteria. The overall objective of the programme was to increase incomes and reduce food insecurity through support to economic growth. The programme’s specific objective was strengthening livelihoods, nutrition and resilience of agro-pastoralists and pastoralists, farmers, fishermen and other vulnerable households.
Nov 2019 - Feb 2020
EDF (European Development Fund)
Mid-Term Evaluation of the Boosting Agriculture and Food Security Project (BAFS) in Sierra Leone
The BAFS project (funded under the 11th European Development Fund) constituted a sector wide approach promoting agricultural development, food security and resilience in Sierra Leone, strengthening capacities to formulate and implement agricultural and resilience policies and promoting the most promissory value chains while ensuring the inclusion of marginal groups of the rural population in such approach along the priorities of the national development agenda. The objective of the Mid-term evaluation was to provide the Government of Sierra Leone and the European Union with independent and reliable evidence-based performance assessment of the achievements, the quality and the results of the project and its activities in the context of an evolving cooperation policy and its contribution towards the implementation of the SDGs. The evaluation mission was also able to identify key lessons learned, conclusions and related recommendations in order to improve implementation for the remaining operational period of the project.
Oct 2019 - Dec 2019
EC (European Commission)
Support Action for the Forestry Sector
In 2013 the Government of Honduras and the European Union signed the European Support Action for the Forestry Sector (EuroFor - DCI-ALA/2012/023-510). The Action is consisted with two components: A Climate Change Adaptation Action in the Forestry Sector (CliFor) with a total of € 21.4 million and a Budget Support Actionme (PAPSFor) with a total of € 26 million. The purpose of CLIFOR is to improve the socioeconomic well-being and environmental resilience of the local population in response to the challenges posed by climate change. The programme has three outputs to achieve this purpose relating to the promotion of community forestry, improved local socioeconomic conditions and improved capacity to implement national polices and strategies related to forestry, climate change and biodiversity conservation.
The evaluation has assessed the Action using the five standard DAC evaluation criteria. In addition, two other criteria were considered: the EU added value (the extent to which the Action brings additional benefits to what would have resulted from Member States' interventions only), and the coherence of the Action itself, with the EU strategy in Honduras Country Strategy Paper (2007-2013) and with other EU policies and Member State Actions. The evaluation team has furthermore considered whether gender, environment and climate change were mainstreamed; the relevant SDGs and their interlinkages were identified; the principle of Leave No-One Behind and the rights-based approach methodology was followed in the identification/formulation documents and the extent to which they have been reflected in the implementation of the Action, its governance and monitoring.
Sep 2019 - Jan 2020
EC (European Commission)
Mid-term review of KCEP-CRAL (FED/2013/329-234) and End-term review of IPP-GAP(FED/2014/344-651)
The main priorities for the evaluation mission were highlighted in the ToR, especially linked to the specific evaluation criteria added to the usual DAC criteria. As requested, the focus of evaluation has been on the assessment of achievements, the quality and the results of KCEP-CRAL and IPP-GAP projects with an increasing emphasis on result-oriented approaches and the contribution towards the implementation of the SDGs. The logic of intervention and the relevant theory of change have been described during the inception phase to guide the development of the final evaluation questions and provide a better understanding of the relationships between actions, and outcomes. Lessons learned and evidence-based conclusions were drawn out, as well as recommendations related to the improvement of the ongoing KCEP-CRAL project and to the design of future Actions with particular reference to coherence with EU and national policies and coordination with other development partners.
Feb 2018 - May 2018
EC (European Commission)
Final evaluation of the AIESRP Project
The AIESRP Project aimed to improve the competitiveness and national and international economic integration of Paraguay by supporting three production chains (production of pork, production of chicken meat and production of dairy products). The final evaluation of the project began on February, 2018 with a documentation phase; subsequently, a field phase was carried out in Paraguay and finally a synthesis phase that included the preparation of the Final report. CYE prepared a methodology respecting the Terms of Reference and the methodological guidelines of the European Union. During the field phase, the main representatives and actors involved in the project were interviewed and focus groups and field visits were conducted. The assingment ended in May, 2018 with the approval of the Final report.
Aug 2017 - Jan 2018
EC (European Commission)
Final evaluation of the Program of Improvement of Agricultural Productivity in Cameroon-PAPA
The financing agreement of the Program of Improvement of Agricultural Productivity in Cameroon-PAPA (EDF / 2010 / 021-465) was signed on 16/02/2011 and its effective implementation ended with a final workshop of capitalization held in November 2017. The objective was to improve the income of North Cameroon family farms through better performing professional networks, the sustainable use of land and production resources, and supporting coffee and cocoa cultures in the southern zone, thereby improving food security in the country. With a total amount of € 20,000,000, the program was implemented through three components, which themselves contained a significant number of results and activities.
The evaluation mission actually started in Cameroon with a briefing meeting at the EUD and CAON. After the start-up phase and the document phase, the field phase was held for two weeks. The objective of this phase was to meet the main stakeholders and beneficiaries and to visit a maximum of physical achievements. Particular emphasis has been placed on program-induced effects and the potential viability of outputs. The team of consultants split into three to cover the three components of the Program. A provisional restitution of the results of the mission was held at the return of the field and the workshop of restitution and final dissemination took place in Yaoundé. The process of writing and finalization of the report was then put in order to incorporate relevant comments from key stakeholders.
Feb 2017 - Feb 2023
EC (European Commission)
Evaluation Support Services
The overall objective of this contract is to support the Evaluation Unit in ensuring substantive use of robust evaluation findings in decision-making processes. This will be achieved by enhancing the evaluation practice and learning capacity of EC staff in Headquarters and Delegations, and thereby contributing to fostering a learning culture in DEVCO. The objective of this contract is to set up and maintain an Evaluation Support Service (ESS).
Main activities:
- Advisory service on all aspects of evaluation methodology and processes
- Facilitation and coordination service for the Evaluation Coorespondent's Network
- Quality Assurance service
- Service to promote knowledge uptake and innovative evaluation practice within DEVCO
Jul 2016 - Feb 2017
EC (European Commission)
Technical Assistance in the Mid-Term Review of the Strategic Plan for Agricultural Transformation in Rwanda (PSTA III)
Since 2004, the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI) in Rwanda has developed and implemented three consecutive strategic plans for agricultural transformation in Rwanda (PSTA-1, PSTA-2, PSTA-3), all aiming at harmonising the agriculture sector development activities with the national Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy and long-term development vision (Vision 2020) respectively. PSTA-3 had a particular focus on sustainable intensification of food production to ensure the envisaged reductions in rural poverty and malnutrition and on greater involvement of the private sector to increase agricultural exports, processing and value addition.
This assessment exercise aimed to identify the key gaps and lessons learned in PSTA III implementation as the basis for proposed improvements/adjustments to achieve the objectives of PSTA III by 30 June 2018. The assessment provided precise inputs for short-term (PSTA-III) and medium-term planning (PSTA IV), made full use of relevant past and on-going review exercises in an effective manner.
For this assignment, CYE Consult provided the Team Leader with a total of 72 working days.
Jun 2016 - Sep 2016
EC (European Commission)
Evaluation of the Call For Proposals "Value chains"
Mar 2016 - Jun 2016
EC (European Commission)
Programme Evaluation on the past and on-going EU interventions in Zimbabwe implemented by FAO.
The global objective of the assignment is to “Contribute to the performance management of the programme and activities of the EU in Zimbabwe”. The scope of this evaluation will be focused on past and ongoing EU Interventions in Zimbabwe implemented by FAO, consisting of 8 national (4 ongoing and 4 closed) and one regional grants contract. The specific objective of the evaluation is to provide the relevant external co-operation services of the EU, the partner government and, when appropriate, the wider public with:
- An overall independent assessment of the past and on-going performance of the EU-financed Programmes implemented by FAO, paying particular attention to the results of the different projects against their objectives and expected impact;
- Key lessons and recommendations in order to improve current and future actions in partnership with FAO.
Jun 2015 - Jul 2015
EC (European Commission)
Recruitment of external assessors for the EIDHR CBSS Call 2015
The global objective of this Call for Proposals managed by the EU Delegation (EUD) in Kenya under the above-described CBSS, is to enhance gender equality through the protection of women's rights, in particular their civic and political rights with the ultimate goal of reaching an equal, representative society. The specific objective of this Call for Proposals is to increase gender equality in elected posts in the context of the next 2017 General Elections.
Main activities include:
- Assessment of concept notes
- Elaboration of evaluation grid per each proposal
Feb 2015 - Apr 2015
EC (European Commission)
Final Evaluation of the Economic and Social Cohesion project for the Andean Community ( CESCAN II)
The overall project objective is to contribute to improve the economic and social cohesion in the Andean Community. The specific objective is to strengthen the CAN Member Countries and organisation in the design of a regional policy of economic, social cohesion and territorial development.
Main activities include:
- Assessment of results of the project
- Formulation of lessons learnt and recommendations for the project
- Assessment of the sustainability of the intervention and the impact
Feb 2014 - Jun 2014
EC (European Commission)
Final evaluation of the URB-AL III Programme
The overall objective of this evaluation is to conduct a final review of the URB-AL III Program, that is, a global assessment of the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of the Programme. The specific objective is to evaluate the programme concept, its implementation and management mechanisms as well as the assessment of the relevance of the Programme design to respond to the needs of Local Authorities ( provinces, regions, city councils ) in the Latin American countries.
Main activities:
- Collect data from the projects and any other relevant sources to relate the findings to coherent and realistic conclusions and recommendations;
- Draw conclusions about the achievement of implementation of the Programme
- Make recommendations on how to improve the impact of the Programme and determine longer-term priorities in the areas covered by the Programme
Feb 2014 - Jun 2014
EC (European Commission)
Final evaluation of the Euro-Solar Programme
The general objective of the project is to conduct an overall assessment of the performance of the Euro-Solar Programme, paying particularly attention to the results of the project against its objectives; key lessons and recommendations in order to improve current and eventual future action. The specific objectives of the mission are to assess the design of the programme, its implementation and drawing recommandations for future actions.
Main activities:
- Collect data from the projects and any other relevant sources to relate the results
- Draw conclusions about the achievement of implementation of the Programme
- Make recommendations on how to improve the impact of the Programme and orient future actions
Nov 2012 - Dec 2012
EC (European Commission)
Mid Term Evaluation of the Economic and Social Cohesion project for the Andean Community ( CESCAN II)
The overall project objective is to contribute to improve the economic and social cohesion in the Andean Community. The specific objective is to strengthen the CAN Member Countries and organisation in the design of a regional policy of economic, social cohesion and territorial development.
Main activities include :
- Assessment of progress and results of the project
- Formulation of lessons learnt and recommendations for project monitoring
Sep 2012 - Nov 2012
EC (European Commission)
Final Evaluation of the FORCUENCAS project
The Project's overall objective is to contribute to the conservation, recovery advantage of Honduras' environmental management aiming at permitting the sustainable improvement of living conditions for the population and a reduction in poverty. The project's specific objective is to strengthen local management of natural resources within a sustainable development workframe based on the integrated management of water basins under a decentralized and broad community participation approach.
Main activities include:
- Performing the final evaluation
- Evaluation of the achievements and impact of the results of the project
Sep 2012 - Jan 2013
Support to the assessment of proposals received within the framework of two calls for proposals launched under the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR)
The overall objective of this call for proposals is to enhance the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms in countries and situations where they are most at risk and where human rights defenders and civil society organisations work under severe constraints and are most under pressure.
Main activities:
- Technical evaluation of concept notes
- Technical and financial evaluation of full applications
Feb 2012 - Jul 2012
EC (European Commission)
Administrative support to the evaluation of the global Call for Proposals
The overall purpose of this assignment is to contribute with administrative and eligibility assessments to the evaluation of the above-mentioned Call for Proposals so as to conclude the evaluation process in a timely and efficient manner and in line with the respective provisionsof the Practical Guide and the Guidelines of the Call for Proposals, to the benefit of the final beneficiaries of the Food Security Thematic Programme.
Jun 2011 - Sep 2011
EC (European Commission)
Support to the evaluation of Calls for Proposals under the "Non State Actors and Local Authorities" thematic programme
The Thematic Programme "Non State Actors (NSA) and Local Authorities (LA) in the Development ", aims to promote the implementation of a more equitable society, emphasizing the principles of inclusion and capacity building in partner countries. The program aims to support initiatives proposed and / or implemented by civil society organizations and local governments of Bolivia and the European Community in the field of development.
Main activities:
- Evaluation of 63 concept notes and 13 full proposals
Apr 2011 - Jun 2011
EDF (European Development Fund)
Mid-Term Review of Rural Development Programme (RDP) III
The objective of the Rural Development Programme III is to contribute to poverty reduction and socio-economic development in particular in the poorer rural areas of Timor Leste. The target group is the underprivileged rural poor, including women, youth and otherwise impoverished members of the towns and villages.
Main activities:
- Evaluation of the progress of the programme
- Evaluation of the progress in increasing agriculture production, food security and in developing value chains
- Compilation of the lessons which can be learnt both in agriculture and rural infrastructures development for future programmes
Nov 2010 - Feb 2011
EC (European Commission)
Mid-term review of the Sustainable Rural Development in the Eastern Cape (SURUDEC)
The overall objective of SURUDEC is to reduce poverty in rural communities in the Eastern Cape Province through the development and implementation of community development plans. The purpose of the programme is to promote the achievement of sustainable livelihoods and stimulate actions that bring community assets into use to develop income generating activities.
Main activities:
- Evaluation of the relevance, efficiency, effectivenes, impact, sustainability and cross-cutting issues of the SURUDEC
- Assessment of synergies and cooperation between SURUDEC and the Eastern Cape Local Economic Development Programme
- Recommendations for the perfomance of the SURUDEC programme in achieving its key results
May 2010 - Jul 2010
EC (European Commission)
Final Evaluation of Poverty Alleviation through Local Development Programme (PALD)
The Poverty Alleviation through Local Development Programme (PALD) programme aims at supporting Jordan’s efforts in launching and maintaining viable local development processes with a particular focus on poor areas, opening up opportunities to improve living conditions, in particular for deprived population groups.
Main activities:
- Evaluation of the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, impact, EU added value and coherence of the Programme
- Verification, analysis and assessesment of the integration and impact of cross-cutting issues in the project
- Field visits and meetings with all the stakeholders participating in the Program
Mar 2009 - Jun 2009
EDF (European Development Fund)
Mid-term evaluation of the PASILD and formulation of the future intervention in the field of natural resources management and local development
The general objective of the PASILD ("Programme d’Accompagnement Structurant d’Initiatives Locales de Développement") is to structure and follow-up participative initiatives for integrated local development (environment, governance, gender).
The mission was carried on within two distinct phases: the first allowed establishing an independent and global appraisal of the results reached by the PASILD at mid term, evaluating the methodology of its implementation and formulating recommendations regarding the evolution of the EU support in the field of local development in Chad. The second, in the framework of the implementation of the Country Strategy Paper and of the National Indicative Programme (10th EDF in Chad), consisted in the formulation of the Programme GRN/Local development and in the validation of the technical documents.
Jul 2008 - Aug 2008
EC (European Commission)
Mid term review of the Smallholder Livestock Production Programme (SLPP)
The overall objective of the SLPP is intended to contribute to the reduction of poverty and food insecurity in rural areas by increasing the rate of growth of livestock GDP through increasing smallholders’ incomes (in cash and in kind) from livestock production in ways that are sustainable and accrue equitably to both men and women.
The consultancy’s objective is to assess implementation and progress of the Programme and determine whether the project will achieve its objectives. Where there is concern that projected outcomes will not be achieved, the consultants recommended changes to practices and procedures.
Jun 2008 - Jul 2008
EDF (European Development Fund)
Mid term evaluation of the Programme for prevention and preparedness to disasters
The principal objectives of the Programme are:
(i) Information: improve and implement information systems to adequately prevent from, anticipate and respond to natural disasters.
(ii) Preparedness: improve the assistance to the victims thanks to a decentralized answer that would be more efficient, timely and adapted to the requirements of the moment
(iii) Prevention: reduce the vulnerability of the country towards natural disasters by means of prevention measures through the use the state’s resources focusing on risks and a major control of forest fires. The efforts of the Programme aim at fostering the Government institutions in charge of Risk Management.
The goal of the mid term evaluation was to provide the Dominican Republic Government, the EC Delegation, the PNUD and all the partners of the Programme sufficient information to:
- Have a general independent evaluation on the results of the Programme
- Identify the lessons learned and propose recommendations to continue the implementation of the Programme, including its possible reorientation.
Jun 2008 - Oct 2008
EDF (European Development Fund)
Mid-term review of Farm Income Diversification Programme (FIDP)
FIDP’s overall objective is to achieve a sustainable improvement in the livelihoods of rural communities through diversifying farmers’ incomes. This is to be achieved by assisting smallholder farmers to consider farming as a business rather than a means of subsistence, while at the same time conserving and enhancing the natural resource base upon which production depends. Through an integrated approach the programme supports: the sustainable use of soil and water resources; a diversification and intensification of agricultural production; the strengthening of farmer organizations; and the marketing of produce.
The general objective of the consultancy was to undertake the mid-term evaluation of the FIDP.
The consultants also provided recommendations for the design of the potential phase two of the programme including examining a number of possible modalities, compliance with the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and the proactive integration of cross cutting issues.
May 2008 - Jun 2008
BTC-CTB (Belgian Technical Cooperation)
Final Evaluation of the Programme « Social and production infrastructure for Loja and Zamora provinces (PROLOZA) »
The overall objective of the Programme is oriented towards improving life quality of rural communities in Loja and Zamora-Chinchipe provinces through support to strengthening local capacities with a view to obtaining coordinated management in between co-executing institutions and taking advantage of their existing capacities and activities through social basic infrastructure, irrigation, environment, education and production projects.
The Programme’s components:
- Social infrastructure (drinking water, sanitation, schools, etc.).
- Agricultural production infrastructures: irrigation schemes, food security of small producers, support to the development of the coffee sector and collection centres.
- Environment and sustainable management of water resources through integrative approach of hydrologic basins.
Jan 2008 - Jul 2008
EC (European Commission)
Support for the evaluation of the two calls for proposals « Non State Actors and Local Authorities in Development »
The Programme aims at supporting the initiatives proposed and/or implemented by civil society organizations and local authorities originated from the Community and from partner countries in the field of Development.
The overall objective of the consultancy was to enable the European Commission to co finance the best proposals according to criteria established in the Calls for proposals by supporting the services concerned at administrative and qualitative levels (relevance, effectiveness, feasibility, sustainability, impact, financial and operational capacity, methodology, budget and cost-effectiveness) in the evaluation of proposals.
Sep 2007 - Nov 2007
EDF (European Development Fund)
Medium term evaluation mission of the Programme « Support to the sustainable economical development in the poor mining zones of the Western regions of Bolivia - APEMIN II »
The objective was to analyze the concept of the Programme and the conjectural changes of the context, to valorize the progresses to date and to gather information to adjust the planning of the support to the sustainable economic development in mining and non-mining domains of activities with a view to future management.
Jan 2007 - May 2007
EDF (European Development Fund)
Final evaluation of the STABEX and SFA Programmes
STABEX is a compensatory finance scheme intended to stabilize the export earnings of the ACP States. STABEX resources mainly target the commercialization of industry and the restoration of confidence by improving the capital base of banana growers, providing working capital assistance and the provision of infrastructure such as sheds, reception centres and irrigation systems. The Special Framework of Assistance (SFA) Programmes from 1999 to 2001 came into being to further modernize the banana sector. These funds were earmarked for infrastructure, improving farm productivity and yields and for agriculture diversification.
Sep 2006 - Nov 2006
EDF (European Development Fund)
Mid-term evaluation of the regional Programme for plant protection (PRPV)
Program whose objective is to promote and develop operational co-operation, both scientific and technical, between the countries of the region as regards to plant health protection. This co-operation must result in the development and implementation of a regional strategy for crop protection specifically via the creation of a network for “protection of plants in the Indian Ocean”, the regional harmonization of the plant health legislations, quality controls (material plants and phytopharmacological products), research applied to the experimentation of the phytopharmacological products and alternative fighting methods as well as advice, support and training.
Feb 2006 - Apr 2006
EDF (European Development Fund)
Final Evaluation of Probanano Programme
PROBANANO is a programme cofinanced by the EC (EDF) with a contribution of 1.650.000 EUR. Its goal is to improve the competitiveness of the exporting banana sector of the Dominican Republic. The target group are 713 producers working a total of 5.000 hectares of banana tree plantation.
Oct 2004 - Dec 2004
EDF (European Development Fund)
Final Evaluation - "Los Toros" hydropower project
Final evaluation mission of a project financed by the EC (20.75 M EUR) through EDF, including an assessment on the use of the hydropower plant revenues for financing rural development projects in the same river basin, and related institutional issues.
Aug 2004 - Oct 2004
EC (European Commission)
Mid Term Evaluation - Santa Cruz Water and Wastewater project
Mid term evaluation of an EC financed project (22 M EUR) including upgrading and extension of water and wastewater networks (110.000 inh), WWTP, institutional re-structuring of the operator, technical assistance to the Municipality in urban planning and managing of water public services.