Our references

CYE’s team has ample experience in development aid in more than 30 countries throughout the world, in the frame of projects and programmes financed by the most important bilateral and multilateral institutions of cooperation.

Infrastructures and transport

Consultancy Services for the Review and Update of the 2009 Sustainable and Integrated Development Plan for Rodrigues (SIDPR)
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Aug 2012 - Oct 2016
The overall objective of the assignment was to "contribute to the success of the objectives defined for the 10th EDF Road Program, including poverty reduction, economic ...
Technical audit of periodic maintenance works for paved roads of the 10th EDF Road Program and associated monitoring and control service contracts
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Jul 2012 - Jul 2013
The global objective of the project was to reduce the risk ...
Institutional strengthening
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Jan 2011 - Aug 2013
The project objective of this service contract aims at ensuring regular control and technical audit of road works for the raod Goma-Coura-Timbuktu. Main activities: Audit of the compliance and quality of contract documents (works and supervision) Audit of the proper functioning of the operational ...
Control and periodic technical audit of the construction of the road Goma-Coura-Timbuktu
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May 2010 - Jul 2010
The Poverty Alleviation through Local Development Programme (PALD) programme aims at ...
Final Evaluation of Poverty Alleviation through Local Development Programme (PALD)
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Jan 2010 - Jul 2010
The Support programme for the socioeconomic reintegration of internally displaced populations and community strenghtening to the Government of Colombia aims at providing support to these communities ...
Technical Assistance for the support to the management unit of social actions and habitat grants
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Jul 2009 - Nov 2009
The Government of Morocco considers that opening up roads plays a strategic role in social and economic development of rural areas, since they facilitate the access ...
Support to the identification and formulation of a "Programme for opening-up isolated populations: social road infrastructure"
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Jan 2009 - Nov 2009
Public health infrastructures have been severely damaged by civil war. As a result, the Government of Mozambique has adopted a strategy to rehabilitate these existing infrastructures ...
Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Health - Infrastructures Department
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Jan 2009 - Jul 2009
The overall objective is to support the formulation of the national and sustainable road network project that aims at contributing to sustainable economic growth in Guinea-Bissau ...
Technical Assistance to Sustainable infrastructures management project
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Dominican Republic
Aug 2008 - Oct 2009
The objective is to contribute to the development of the regions of Sanchez Ramirez, Salcedo, Espaillat, El Seibo, Hato Mayor, San Jose de Ocoa, Peravia through the restoration and improvement of road infrastructures in order to ensure access to basic social ...
Supervision and control of reconstruction works of roads infrastructure in various places of the Dominican Republic
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Sep 2007 - Nov 2007
In close collaboration with the European Commission (DG Development and AIDCO) and the African Union Commission, three main types of services were provided:  - the formulation in ...
Technical Assistance for the organization of the Launch event of the EU-Africa Partnership on Infrastructure at the African Union Commission Headquarters (24-25 October - Addis Ababa).
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Dominican Republic
Feb 2007 - Jul 2008
The objective of this bi-national Project is to foster commercial exchanges ...
Technical assistance for the supervision of the Municipal market and customs infrastructure in Dajabon, city at the border between Haiti and Dominican republic
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Jan 2007 - Dec 2007
This project, part of the Programme aimed at rehabilitating the infrastructures damaged by catastrophic floods and mud flows in 1999, consists in the construction of sewerage ...
Construction supervision of sewerage works
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Jul 2006 - Jun 2007
This project, part of the Programme aimed at rehabilitating the infrastructures damaged by catastrophic floods and mud flows in 1999, consists in the construction of a ...
Technical Assistance for the supervision of drainage works in Vargas State
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Jun 2005 - Feb 2006
Construction of the structure of the new canal of quebrada Tacagua (section n°2); and of the bridge over the future canal of quebrada Tacagua in the sector of Via Eterna.
Technical Assistance for the supervision of disasters prevention works in Vargas State.
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