Our references

CYE’s team has ample experience in development aid in more than 30 countries throughout the world, in the frame of projects and programmes financed by the most important bilateral and multilateral institutions of cooperation.

Governance and institutional strenghtening

Fostering Green Transition in Petén - Technical Assistance to the EUD
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Jan 2024 - Jan 2026
The overall objective is to enhance EU cooperation with Nigeria, focusing ...
EU Support to Circular Economy, Climate Smart Agriculture and Climate Resilience - Nigeria
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Tanzania, United Republic of
Jan 2024 - Nov 2024
The project aims to develop sustainable and inclusive tourism in Saadani/Bagamoyo, ...
Carrying Capacity Study and Tourism Destinations Planning on Coastal Areas of Tanzania
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Tanzania, United Republic of
May 2023 - Dec 2023
The Blue Economy (BE) Programme for Tanzania was developed under the Annual Action Plan for 2022 by the EU Delegation. The program aims to promote sustainable ...
Technical Assistance to the VPO for the coordinationof the Blue Economy activities, policy formulation, and facilitation of the implementation of budget support component of the EU Blue Economy Programme
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Apr 2023 - Aug 2023
The Climate Change Mitigation Support Program (PALCC) was launched on March ...
Final Evaluation of the Climate Change Mitigation Support Program (PALCC)
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Nov 2022 - Dec 2023
The regional WIO programme on Blue Economy, Ocean governance and coastal conservation and restoration is planned to be part of the Annual Action Plan 2023. His ...
Formulation mission - Ocean Governance, sustainable Blue Economy, coastal management and marine conservation and restoration in the Western Indian Ocean.
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Consultancy Services for the Review and Update of the 2009 Sustainable and Integrated Development Plan for Rodrigues (SIDPR)
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Dec 2017 - Jul 2018
The service was carried out by a team of two experts. The mission consisted of an ad hoc support to the ON in order to establish ...
Technical assistance of transversal support to the start of the activities of the Food and Nutrition Security Support Program (SAN)
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Nov 2016 - Mar 2017
The overall objective of this mission is to support the identification of a second tranche of EUTF interventions that will benefit all stakeholders involved in the ...
Identification and formulation of actions to be implemented under the EU Trust Fund for the management of cross-borders areas in the Sahel and Lake Chad bassin
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Jun 2015 - Jul 2015
The global objective of this Call for Proposals managed by the EU Delegation (EUD) in Kenya under the above-described CBSS, is to enhance gender equality through ...
Recruitment of external assessors for the EIDHR CBSS Call 2015
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Feb 2015 - Jun 2015
The specific objetive of this assignment is to support the Latvian Government by reinforcing  the Permanent Representation in Brussels and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Riga, respectively, with two experts in development policy, for the duration of the Latvian EU Presidency ...
Support to the Government of the Republic of Latvia on issues related to EU and international Development Policy
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Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru
Feb 2015 - Apr 2015
The overall project objective is to contribute to improve the economic and social cohesion in the Andean Community. The specific objective is to strengthen the CAN ...
Final Evaluation of the Economic and Social Cohesion project for the Andean Community ( CESCAN II)
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Contract services for the preparation and dissemination of studies in the framework of the Colombian Penal System Institutional support programme
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Feb 2014 - Jun 2014
The overall objective of this evaluation is to conduct a final review of the URB-AL III Program, that is, a global assessment of the relevance, efficiency, ...
Final evaluation of the URB-AL III Programme
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Trinidad and Tobago
Sep 2013 - Feb 2014
The globlal objective of the project is to develop agro-processing support systems including training and expert support to agencies involved in assisting micro and small agro ...
Technical Assistance for training of micro and small enterprises in Trinidad and Tobago in international standards
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Nov 2012 - Dec 2012
The overall project objective is to contribute to improve the economic and social cohesion in the Andean Community. The specific objective is to strengthen the CAN ...
Mid Term Evaluation of the Economic and Social Cohesion project for the Andean Community ( CESCAN II)
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Oct 2012 - Jan 2013
The overall purpose of this project is to support and strengthen the technical unit of the Food and Nutritional Safety (UTSAN), dependent of the State Department ...
Phasing out the PASAH programme
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Sep 2012 - Jun 2017
The overall objective of the technical assistance is to improve the ...
Technical Assistance to the NAO's Support Programme (PAON III)
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Aug 2012 - Oct 2016
The overall objective of the assignment was to "contribute to the success of the objectives defined for the 10th EDF Road Program, including poverty reduction, economic ...
Technical audit of periodic maintenance works for paved roads of the 10th EDF Road Program and associated monitoring and control service contracts
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Jul 2012 - Jul 2013
The global objective of the project was to reduce the risk ...
Institutional strengthening
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Jun 2011 - Sep 2011
The Thematic Programme "Non State Actors (NSA) and Local Authorities (LA) in the Development ", aims to promote the implementation of a more equitable society, emphasizing the ...
Support to the evaluation of Calls for Proposals under the "Non State Actors and Local Authorities" thematic programme
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Jun 2010 - Oct 2010
The project objective aims at strengthening the work group on food security and nutrition, created to support the implementation of the national policy regarding food Security ...
Technical Assistance to the work group on food security and nutrition
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Jan 2010 - Jul 2010
The Support programme for the socioeconomic reintegration of internally displaced populations and community strenghtening to the Government of Colombia aims at providing support to these communities ...
Technical Assistance for the support to the management unit of social actions and habitat grants
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Mar 2009 - Jun 2009
The general objective of the PASILD ("Programme d’Accompagnement Structurant d’Initiatives Locales ...
Mid-term evaluation of the PASILD and formulation of the future intervention in the field of natural resources management and local development
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Jan 2009 - Jul 2009
The overall objective is to support the formulation of the national and sustainable road network project that aims at contributing to sustainable economic growth in Guinea-Bissau ...
Technical Assistance to Sustainable infrastructures management project
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Dominican Republic
Jun 2008 - Jul 2008
The principal objectives of the Programme are: (i) Information: improve and implement ...
Mid term evaluation of the Programme for prevention and preparedness to disasters
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Sep 2007 - Nov 2007
In close collaboration with the European Commission (DG Development and AIDCO) and the African Union Commission, three main types of services were provided:  - the formulation in ...
Technical Assistance for the organization of the Launch event of the EU-Africa Partnership on Infrastructure at the African Union Commission Headquarters (24-25 October - Addis Ababa).
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Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay
Mar 2007 - May 2007
The project includes several components of Technical Assistance in the regional integration process between Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay.
POG and POA Formulation - EU - Mercosur SPS Project
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Dominican Republic
Feb 2007 - Jul 2008
The objective of this bi-national Project is to foster commercial exchanges ...
Technical assistance for the supervision of the Municipal market and customs infrastructure in Dajabon, city at the border between Haiti and Dominican republic
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Jul 2006 - Jun 2007
This project, part of the Programme aimed at rehabilitating the infrastructures damaged by catastrophic floods and mud flows in 1999, consists in the construction of a ...
Technical Assistance for the supervision of drainage works in Vargas State
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Jun 2006 - Oct 2006
The ACP-EC facility for energy is part of the EU commitment –in the framework of the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals –aiming to eradicate poverty and to promote sustainable development, as well as to facilitate provision of adequate energy services, ...
Technical Assistance to EC-AIDCO for the implementation of the Help desk for the ACP-EC Energy facility.
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Mar 2006 - Jun 2006
The ACP-EU Facility for Water pursues two specific objectives: (1) Improved ...
Technical Assistance to EC-AIDCO for the implementation of the Help Desk for the ACP-EU Water Facility.
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Dominican Republic
Oct 2005 - Apr 2006
Technical Assistance to the National Authorizing Officer for the dissemination of the principles of the initiative and the follow-up of the proposals elaboration. The EU-ACP Water initiative ...
Second call for proposals - EU-ACP Water initiative
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Jun 2004 - Dec 2005
Assistance to ISPA Unit of the Ministry for the elaboration of priority criteria according to ISPA strategy, and list fixing of projects to be included in ...
Technical Assistance to the Environment Ministry for follow-up and prioritization of ISPA funding demands
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Dominican Republic
Feb 2003 - Sep 2003
Identification and formulation of a programme in the Water and Environment sector to be financed by the EC through EDF (2004-2009) with a total amount of ...
Formulation of a cooperation programme for the improvement of the water sector
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Czech Republic
Nov 2002 - Jan 2004
The rehabilitation Programme treated hydraulic infrastructures and environmental protection (small barrages, ...
Technical Assistance for infrastructures rehabilitation in the environmental sector - Emergency rehabilitation Programme
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Nov 2002 - Dec 2002
Critical review of existing feasibility studies. Assessment of the capacity of the beneficiary communities to support the planned investments applying a global affordability methodology. Preparation of ...
Assessment of Ten Water Projects
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Apr 2002
The mission concerns six environmental ISPA projects in Slovakia providing new ...
Technical Assistance for Analysing and Monitoring Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Operations
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Apr 2002 - May 2002
Revision of tender documents related to sewerage networks and WWTPs, with ...
Technical Assistance for the assessment of six ISPA Environment tenders
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May 2001 - Jul 2001
This project aims to improve the living conditions of 64.500 inhabitants ...
Integrated Development of the Paute Valley
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Feb 1997 - Jul 1997
A rehabilitation of drinking water networks associated to institutional reform has been implemented with IADB financing during the late nineties. A sector reform unit was put ...
Study on the participation of the private sector to the Drinking Water Sector Reform
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